Come and join us for our annual Coffee House event from 6-8p.m. at Rocket Coffee, where we get to see live and acoustic performances from our lovely choir students! It
Category: Social Event

Come join us after school on Wednesday September 11th at the Playland roller skating social! Meet in the choir room at by 5:15pm where we will then bus to Playland

Come join us on October 14th from 9:00am-3:30pm for a K-5th kids camp full of songs, dances, arts & crafts, games, and a concert for parents at the end of

Students come and join us in the cafeteria from 3:45-5:45 for the first choir social event to kick start year! There you will be sorted into your respective composer houses,

Join us on August 9th from 1-4 in the Choir Room for an introduction to our choir program! We will take them on a tour and tell them all about