Join the Seasons and Pitch Black choirs on March 1st-2nd in the Little Theater for a family-friendly, magical princess experience! This student-written and produced show is interactive for all ages,
Author: Choir Officers

Join us in the choir room at 7:45 on February 11th for the annual Valentine’s Breakfast social. Bring sweet and savory break food to earn points for your composer house

Join the CPHS choir in the PAC on December 11th at 7pm for our annual winter concert! Get in the holiday spirit with our wonderful program, where our students and

Come and join us for our annual Coffee House event from 6-8p.m. at Rocket Coffee, where we get to see live and acoustic performances from our lovely choir students! It

We are so proud of everyone who showed up for region this year and put their best foot forward! So much hard work and dedication went into preparing for Region,

Join us on Wednesday, October 16th at 7:30pm in the CPHS PAC to hear all of our amazing choirs perform!

Join us on Monday, September 16th to see performances from choirs all over LISD–our very own Varsity Tenor Bass Choir, Pitch Black, and Seasons perform! Tickets can be purchased here!

Come join us after school on Wednesday September 11th at the Playland roller skating social! Meet in the choir room at by 5:15pm where we will then bus to Playland

Come join us on October 14th from 9:00am-3:30pm for a K-5th kids camp full of songs, dances, arts & crafts, games, and a concert for parents at the end of

Students come and join us in the cafeteria from 3:45-5:45 for the first choir social event to kick start year! There you will be sorted into your respective composer houses,